* This is taken from theBlaze and written by Billy Hallowell.  Written on December 21, 2012


Faith and religion were an integral part of the 2012 news cycle. From the contraceptive mandate to intense violence in the Middle East, many of the year’s most pertinent news stories involved the separation of church and state and the role — or lack thereof — of belief in a higher power in domestic and international events.

Last month, the Religion Newswriters Association commissioned a poll of professional religion reporters to determine the 10 most significant religious events of the year. The study, which was taken before the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (which many would argue has a place on the list), pinpointed some fascinating happenings — important events that, in many ways, defined and transformed the year.

The 10 Biggest & Most Significant Faith & Religion Stories of 2012

Photo Credit: AP

1. The number one ranked story among professional journalists was the Obama administration’s contraceptive mandate and the battle with religious leaders over its implementation. TheBlaze has covered this issue extensively throughout the year and will continue to as lawsuits and challenges continue into 2013.

2. The second most significant religion story of 2012 was the startling finding that the “nones” are a rising group in America. According to surveys, one-in-five Americans report having no religious adherence. While not all of these individuals are atheists, they are unattached to a particular faith. And, to top it off, they comprise the fastest-growing “religious group” in the nation.

The 10 Biggest & Most Significant Faith & Religion Stories of 2012

Moroccan women shout slogans during a demonstration against a film deemed offensive to Islam, on September 12, 2012 near the US consulate in Casablanca. A film at the center of anti-US protests in the Middle East which killed a diplomat was made by an Israeli-American who describes Islam as a ‘cancer,’ the Wall Street Journal reported. The movie, ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ was directed and produced by Sam Bacile, a 52-year-old real-estate developer from southern California who says Islam is a hateful religion.Credit: AFP/Getty Images


3. And considering the furor surrounding Benghazi, Libya, and the violence that broke out in the Middle East on and immediately following the Sept. 11 anniversary this year, the fact that the “Innocence of Muslims” film comes in third is no surprise. TheBlaze brought you the now-infamous trailer and a plethora of stories surrounding the movie that some blamed for anti-American violence in the region.

4. As for Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate who lost the 2012 presidential election to President Barack Obama, his Mormon faith made an appearance on the list, coming in as the fourth most important religion story of the year. In the end, despite conjecture, his religious views ended up having little impact on his candidacy, as evangelicals inevitably supported him on election day.

The 10 Biggest & Most Significant Faith & Religion Stories of 2012

2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (Photo Credit: AP)

5. As for Monsignor William Lynn of Philadelphia, he distinguished himself as the first Catholic official in the nation to be found guilty in covering up child abuse at the hands of priests. And, as RNA notes, Bishop Robert Finn ended up being the first bishop to face the same fate. Theseabuse stories come in collectively as the fifth most impactful among religion reporters.

6 – 10. The five remaining events, which can be read about in detail over on the RNA web siteinclude: the Vatican’s criticism of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the related fallout, the legalization of gay marriage in Maine, Maryland and Washington, the Episcopal Church’s adoption of a trial ritual for blessing gay couples, the Sikh temple shooting and the Southern Baptist Convention’s election of the Rev. Fred Luter, its first black president.

Stay tuned to 2013, when TheBlaze will, once again, bring you the most important and significant faith and religion stories and events.

Editor’s Note: TheBlaze’s Billy Hallowell participated in the RNA survey.

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Love for others

The vibrant church must have a sincere and obvious love for each other and for the community.  The world needs to see that the church body genuinely cares for the needs within the congregation.  The community will be greatly impacted when we can take that love and compassion and reach those that may be hurting in our area.  Here are some ideas for showing compassion outside of the church:

1) Be involved with your First Responders.  Know the police chief and fire chief that services your area and recognize them and include them in special events.

2) Be there for families in the area that are enduring heartache.  When a neighborhood house burns down, step up with benevolence to help them.  When an area child is hurt or battling a disease, assist the family with meals or non perishable foods.

3) Show up and be involved in community events: local fairs, parades, celebrations.  Have a booth set up at the local ‘night out’ against crime.

4) Offer programs at your church such as: Divorce Care, Reformers Unanimous, counseling, etc.


And of some have compassion, making a difference:  Jude 22


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Preeminence of the Word of God

The vibrant growing church MUST exalt the Preeminence of the Word of God!  The Word of God is the cornerstone of all that the church believes and all of the goals that we strive for.

Churches today will far too often focus on catchy programs, slick advertising, gimmicky lesson series, feel good advice messages, etc.  People are starving for truth!  People want an Absolute in a world of constant change.  People are looking for something solid while everything else in their lives is unstable.  Your congregation will thrive under strong, Bible based preaching and teaching.

Without the Word of God – we are merely teaching opinions.  Our opinions are worthless in eternity but the Word of God will never fail and will never fade away!

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

II Timothy 4:2


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Discipleship Minded

A vibrant church must be Discipleship Minded.  We must be telling souls about Jesus Christ, but it must not stop there.  We must be helping people grow in the Lord once they have accepted Him as Saviour.

We previewed the Discipleship book Daily in the Word on December 12 on this website.  This is a great resource for one on one Discipleship building.

Discipleship can be in a Sunday School class, Bible study or in a one on one setting.  It is great to find individuals in your church that are interested in helping to disciple new Christians.  I actually took the time in my own church to use the above mentioned book and go through it with my entire church on a series of Sunday Evenings.  It was beneficial for all and there were certain people who, at the end, cam to me with a sincere interest in helping to disciple others.


IMG_1782 (Optimized)

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I believe it is essential for a vibrant, growing church to keep records of prospects.  This should be done in a couple of different categories.

1. Prospects for church attendance or membership.  Those people that have come through the church that are looking for a church home.  These are probably found on your visitor cards.  By going through your visitor cards you will immediately discount some as potential prospects: people on vacation that are traveling through the area, family of your congregation from out of the area, people that attend another church and have just visited for a special event, etc.  I keep a notebook beside my desk with potential prospects for church attendance.  I make sure they are invited for special events here at the church and I keep contact with them throughout the year.

2. Prospects for Salvation.  These prospects may or may not attend your church.  I have a section of my notebook dedicated to just those people that have not accepted Christ as Saviour.  I know to pray for them, contact them for special events, and visit them as needed.  Some of these are spouses or loved ones of church members, some are neighbors of the church, and some are just people that I have contact with on a regular basis but don’t know the Lord (for example: our mailman, UPS delivery person, furnace repair man, etc. )

Following is a sample of the Prospect Card I made and use regularly:


Last Name: ___________________________

First Name: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________


Home Phone # _____________________   Cell Phone # ______________________

Family: _____________________________________________________________


Other Information: ___________________________________________________



Contact: _____________________________________________________________



Contact: _____________________________________________________________



Contact: ____________________________________________________________



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Recommended Resource: Ministry 127 Website

Ministry 127 is a ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA.  Dr. Paul Chappell and his staff have provided this great resource for churches to use.  This website includes, but is not limited to:

1. Articles:  You can find great articles on many topics related to church ministry and spiritual growth.  All of these articles are easily found by topic or by author.

2. Slides:  You can find dozens and dozens of great PowerPoint slides for your church ministry,  All of the slides include not only the information that was posted when the slide was originated, but also blank version for your own use.

3. Videos:  All of the videos produced for announcements or other lessons are available for download.  Not all will be applicable for your church, but many are.

4. Outlines:  Dr. Chappell puts a new outline series on this site each month for free download.

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Attention to detail – part 3

Here are some general tips:

1. Make sure your website, Facebook page, and other online properties are up to date!

2. Remember special days – don’t overlook Veterans Day, Grandparents Day, September 11, Pearl Harbor Day, or others – especially if they fall on the Sunday.

3. Recognize anniversary’s, birth of grandchildren, work accomplishments and promotions, or any other special days that your congregation may be personally celebrating.

4. Remember people’s names.  This may or may not be your own personal forte but figure out a system to remember the names of new attendees.

5. Thank people.  Thank people. Thank people!  Go out of your way to thank nursery workers, Sunday school teachers, special music presenters, ushers, janitors, etc.  Let your people know how much you appreciate them.

6. Send flowers to the sick.  Send cards to those going through trying times. Send thank you cards.  Send notes of encouragement.  These only take a few minutes but they are worth more than we can really comprehend.

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Daily in the Word

Daily in the Word

Best Discipleship workbook available. Contact ‘Striving Together’ for ordering information.

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Attention to detail – part 2 (the facilities)

Attention to detail is essential in your facilities as well.  Here are some pointers:

1). The Sanctuary.  Keep it clean, neat, and orderly.  If you have chairs, straighten them.  If you have pictures or banner – make sure they are level.  If you have microphone wires – wrap them and keep them neat. Straighten the hymnals.  Get rid of dogeared visitor cards or envelopes in the back of the pews or seat pockets.  Paint the walls or trim.  Replace light bulbs (especially EXIT lights).

2). Keep the restrooms clean, bright and well stocked.

3).  Make sure the parking lot is well lit, free of ice and snow and that the lines are re-painted.

4). Make sure the nursery is free of broken toys and very friendly to visitors.  Make sure it is a place that people want to put their children in and feel safe doing so.

5). It does not take a lot of money to repaint.  Brighten up rooms and hallways.  Make things looks well taken care of.


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Attention to detail – part 1

The leadership of a vibrant church must be focused on the details.  We understand the big picture: souls being saved, lives being changed, and people growing in Christ.  However, your congregation is usually focused on the small details.

Did you put their formal name of ‘Richard’ in the church directory or their nickname of ‘Dick’?  This will be very important to them.

Can we please have just one flavor of juice in the nursery instead of 3 options?  It’s too hard for the children if there are options.  

Did I see the flag still up on the flagpole when the light bulb was burnt out on Friday night?  That’s disrespectful, Pastor!

You didn’t mention the flowers we put in front of the church in honor of our late mother, Pastor!

You get the idea.  People are sensitive and the greater attention we can give to the details of their lives, the better we will build rapport with our people.

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