Consumed with Compassion



Our church began 2014 by introducing our theme for the new year: Consumed with Compassion!  The Word of God tells us: And of some have compassion, making a difference.

Looking at the story of the Good Samaritan we see several things:

1). Compassion takes a Vision (Luke 10:33).  The Good Samaritan “saw” the need.  He did not look the other way.  We must have eyes that are open to people’s needs.

2). Compassion takes Effort (Luke 10:34).  The Good Samaritan “went” to him.  The needs of people in our society are great.  It takes more than just seeing their need, we must also take the time and effort to go to where they are.

3). Compassion makes our Hands Dirty (Luke 10:34).  The Good Samaritan “bound” up his wounds and poured oil and wine on the injured to help him.  Often the compassionate work we do gets our hands dirty either literally or figuratively.  It takes going to difficult situations and help difficult people.

4). Compassion takes Time (Luke 10:34-35).  The Good Samaritan put him on his own beast, took him to the inn and then “took care of him”.  The Word of God also tells us that he stayed the night and did not leave until the “morrow”.  Personal Sacrifice is the cost of compassion.

5). Compassion demand Follow up (Luke 10:35).  The Good Samaritan vowed to come back that way again and see if there were any further needs that he could meet.  He did not help and leave forever, but rather helped and than came back to help some more if need be.

Let’s be Consumed with Compassion!

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One Response to Consumed with Compassion

  1. Keith says:

    There have been many days this week when I have looked back on the story of the good Samaritan and wondered just how much I have fallen into the trap of the comfortable, not wanting to look on what is uncomfortable.

    Great sermon, and I look forward to tomorrow.

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