Discipleship Minded

A vibrant church must be Discipleship Minded.  We must be telling souls about Jesus Christ, but it must not stop there.  We must be helping people grow in the Lord once they have accepted Him as Saviour.

We previewed the Discipleship book Daily in the Word on December 12 on this website.  This is a great resource for one on one Discipleship building.

Discipleship can be in a Sunday School class, Bible study or in a one on one setting.  It is great to find individuals in your church that are interested in helping to disciple new Christians.  I actually took the time in my own church to use the above mentioned book and go through it with my entire church on a series of Sunday Evenings.  It was beneficial for all and there were certain people who, at the end, cam to me with a sincere interest in helping to disciple others.


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