
I believe it is essential for a vibrant, growing church to keep records of prospects.  This should be done in a couple of different categories.

1. Prospects for church attendance or membership.  Those people that have come through the church that are looking for a church home.  These are probably found on your visitor cards.  By going through your visitor cards you will immediately discount some as potential prospects: people on vacation that are traveling through the area, family of your congregation from out of the area, people that attend another church and have just visited for a special event, etc.  I keep a notebook beside my desk with potential prospects for church attendance.  I make sure they are invited for special events here at the church and I keep contact with them throughout the year.

2. Prospects for Salvation.  These prospects may or may not attend your church.  I have a section of my notebook dedicated to just those people that have not accepted Christ as Saviour.  I know to pray for them, contact them for special events, and visit them as needed.  Some of these are spouses or loved ones of church members, some are neighbors of the church, and some are just people that I have contact with on a regular basis but don’t know the Lord (for example: our mailman, UPS delivery person, furnace repair man, etc. )

Following is a sample of the Prospect Card I made and use regularly:


Last Name: ___________________________

First Name: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________


Home Phone # _____________________   Cell Phone # ______________________

Family: _____________________________________________________________


Other Information: ___________________________________________________



Contact: _____________________________________________________________



Contact: _____________________________________________________________



Contact: ____________________________________________________________



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