Ezekiel 37:1 …”and he set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones”
I. The Wishbone Christian: Too lazy to work and full of excuses.
A. “I wish I could help with the church music…”
but they are too lazy to practice.
B. ‘I wish I could tithe…”
but they are too stubborn to trust God.
C. “I wish I could witness…”
but they are too afraid of rejection.
II. The Funny bone Christian: Carry their feelings on their sleeve – easily offended
* The funny bone in the human body has a nerve very close to the skin making
it very sensitive.
III. The Dry bone Christian: Cannot rejoice and judgmental
IV. The Hipbone Christian: touchy about giving to the Church
V. The Jawbone Christian: they gossip, complain, sow discord, etc.
VI. The Knee bone Christian: The Prayer Warriors of the Church
VII. The Backbone Christian: Steadfast, unmovable.
by the late Rev. Thomas R. Gunther of Grace & Truth Bible Church, Hummelstown Pennsylvania.