Underestimating False Information

by Pastor Wes Gunther


During World War II the British were very effective at using ‘Black Propaganda’ which is better know today as Disinformation – or False Information.  During the War the British began at least two radio stations which both claimed to be broadcasting from Germany. One was geared toward the German citizens and included much information on how Hitler had gone soft and how his government was full of scandal and immorality. The second station targeted the German forces and fed them disinformation on German defeats and casualties – designed of course to lower morale in their military.

Do we think it’s possible that Satan would deploy such tactics?  Could Satan possibly be advanced enough to understand the influence of disinformation?  Of course he understands it and uses it.  Satan is wise and cunning in his attacks.  In the Garden of Eden he immediately took the commandment of God and re-worded it, embellished it, and added a few lies.  “Did God say?”  “You’ll be as gods.”   How is Satan using misinformation today?

1.  False Religions.  Today there are over 4200 religions per a quick internet search.  The truth of God is shrouded in the midst of lies.  No wonder people are turned off to religion of any kind.  No wonder people are so skeptical of the truth.

2. Doctrinal Disputes.  In order for a lie to be effective it must contain some elements of truth.  Doctrinal disputes rage in Christianity.  Clearly Satan is, at the very least, reaping the benefits of the confusion and misinformation that is taught and argued over.  Is the truth in Premillennialsim, Postmillennialsim, Amillennialism, or something else?  Is it Free Will or Pre-ordained?  Eternal Security or is it possible to lose one’s Salvation? Denominations have been formed, split, new ones formed, and split again over these and other arguments.

I am not saying that one side is somehow under ‘Satanic influence’ and therefore the other side is Godly.  I am saying that Satan is still feeding good, educated, well intentioned people misinformation.

3. Plethora of Bible Translations.  A quick internet search reveals that there are at least 450 English translations of the Bible.  Again, let me make myself very clear, I think the vast, vast majority of the scholars that have put together new translations have done so with the very best of intentions.  I believe each one saw a need and attempted to address it.  However, by doing so, we now have a high degree of confusion among many Christians (and non-Christians) that are attempting to read or study the Word of God. There are also many arguments, church splits and denominational differences over the Bible text issue alone.  I think the only one who is getting a kick out of all of this is Satan. If you want everyone to get frustrated and give up on the plan – than give everyone a different set of blueprints.  Not vastly different, just different enough to confuse everyone.

4. Worship Styles.  Churches are automatically defined today by their worship style.  Is it traditional or contemporary?  Do you sing hymns or do you have a praise band?  What – you have both??  The traditional churches think the more contemporary churches have let the world influence them too much.  The contemporary churches think the traditional churches are losing touch with the generation that they are supposed to be winning for Christ.

Mark 9:40 For he that is not against us is on our part.  Let us focus on the lost that need Jesus Christ in their lives.  We’ll let God decide if we are going to sing with electric guitars in Heaven or not and by then the whole Pre-, Post-, Amillennial issue will be a non issue anyway.

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